Are there medical reasons for permanent hair removal?
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Are there medical reasons for per­ma­nent hair removal?

Permanent hair removal is still trending. Most customers visit a depilation studio because they simply want the feeling of well-being and attractiveness they gain from smooth, soft and hair-free skin.

In addition, the desire for hair-free skin also has practical reasons, because it is much easier to care for than areas of skin where hair grows unhindered.

In the early human past, the rule was: Those who had more hair on their bodies were better equipped for survival than the others. We know that thick hair covering the skin had the welcome effect of protection against the climate. Body hair shielded us from the cold and the sun through its insulating effect and also offered some protection against mosquitoes and similar pests.

This protective function of hair has not been biologically necessary for several thousand years. Advances in civilisation have seen to that. Clothing, heating and modern body care make them superfluous.

Body hair was an asset for our early ancestors

Today a hairless body is the order of the day

Most men and women with a lot of body hair these days want the exact opposite of our biological ancestors. They want to be attractive, have a seamless tan, play sports without hindrance and, in return, curb their hair growth as permanently as possible.

But are there only aesthetic and practical motivations for depilation, or are there also medical reasons? In some cases medical practitioners do advise the removal of body hair for its therapeutic effect.

Hairless skin is much easier to clean and cream than hairy skin or skin with stubble growing back.

Dermatologists recommend hair removal especially on certain areas of the body, such as armpits. The so-called propionic acid bacteria, which cause unpleasant odours when they come into contact with sweat, are much less able to take hold on hair-free skin.

People who suffer from acne inversa, an inflammation of the sebaceous glands, are often advised by dermatologists to depilate their skin. In any case, the hair follicles need to be destroyed, as is the case with the laser method at a depilation studio. This then prevents renewed inflammation. Hair removal is therefore recommended here as a therapy.

Protection against bacteria and inflammation through hair removal

Modern methods of depilation

Whether shaving or waxing, epilation or professional salon hair removal, the goal is always to be hair-free on certain areas of the skin. The method chosen will be very different depending on needs.

Shaving does not cause pain, but has the side effect of stubble rapidly growing back. Epilation hurts, so does treatment with hair wax.

Professional methods of hair removal have also matured to an outstanding degree, using highly developed technology such as light and laser to get rid of hair gently and permanently.

Would you like to arrange a free, no-obligation consultation?

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