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Permanent hair removal on the back

Gain attractiveness with professional hair removal on the back

Intense back hair is very annoying for many men. During swimming and many other kinds of sport, hair is annoying. Before sunbathing or a tennis match, it makes it difficult apply lotion. Aesthetic reasons also speak for hair removal on the back. Smooth skin and a hair-free body look attractive and well-groomed.

In the back area you can neither shave yourself nor use depilatory cream or hair wax. Let us gently and carefully make you hair-free forever in the hair removal studio. Also in the area of the shoulders, removal of unwanted hair by shaving or waxing quickly becomes a challenge for men.

Our method offers you a modern solution: professional permanent hair removal in Luxembourg is useful for any body hair removal, but is particularly effective for hair removal on the back. High-frequency laser light is used for this purpose. With our brand new equipment you will achieve excellent results. We work with the diode laserLightSheer from LUMENIS, one of the world's leading suppliers of cosmetic laser devices.

Do you have any further questions or would you like to arrange a no obligation consultation? Then please call us on +352 26440749.

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Our professionals in the studio are experts in body hair removal for men and women. We will treat you with the most modern procedures that will remove your back hair in such a way that you will be hair-free quickly and comfortably. Back hair removal is performed with the latest laser technology. The laser beam penetrates the skin with individually adjusted depth, where it is converted into heat, thus destroying the hair roots. Moreover, the hair remains permanently removed and after a complete cycle of modern laser treatments, back hair is gone forever.

During the first appointment in our hair removal studio, we will inform you in detail about our back hair removal procedure and create an exact treatment plan. As a rule, between 5 and 7 treatments are necessary to remove all the hair from one part of the body. Because hair growth occurs in spurts, multiple sessions are required to remove your back hair. Only the hair that is currently in the growth phase can have the hair roots destroyed.

Laser technology for hair removal on the back - fast and permanent

The advantages of the LightSheer diode laser:

  • Optimal protection of the skin
  • Effective and fast removal of all unwanted back hair
  • Highest safety is guaranteed
  • High treatment comfort
  • Time-saving treatment due to high repetition rates of the pulses
  • Large area treatment possibility due to large handles
  • Precise treatment options through a second handle
  • Even laser beam for high treatment comfort
  • Erweitertes Contact Cooling SM für hohen Kundenkomfort
  • Modern Skintel® melanin measuring device (FDA-certified) for optimized determination of average melanin density

The features of
Palomar Vectus Laser- Systems

Schonend von Profis die Rückenhaare entfernen lassen

Jede Haut ist etwas anders aufgebaut, auch die Tiefe der Haarwurzel ist von Mensch zu Mensch unterschiedlich. Damit die Enthaarung ein Erfolg wird, ist es wichtig, diese Faktoren in die Behandlung mit einzubeziehen.

Permanente Haarentfernung muss daher von geschulten Fachleuten durchgeführt werden, welche die entsprechenden Methoden genau kennen und die Haarentfernung am Rücken korrekt und sicher mit dem Laser durchführen.

Durch die Behandlung mit dem Laser spüren Sie ein leichtes Kribbeln in der Haut, das verursacht wird durch die Einwirkung des hochfrequenten Laserstrahls. Bei sehr empfindlicher Haut ist auch eine leichte Oberflächenbetäubung möglich. Nach jeder Sitzung beruhigt eine pflegende Lotion die behandelten Hautstellen oder durch Kühlung der Haut.

Beim ersten Termin in unserem Enthaaarungsstudio informieren wir Sie ausführlich über unser Verfahren der Haarentfernung am Rücken und erstellen einen exakten Behandlungsplan. In der Regel sind zwischen 5 und 7 Behandlungen nötig, um alle Haare einer Körperpartie zu entfernen.

Weil das Haarwachstum sich in Schüben abspielt, sind mehrere Sitzungen erforderlich, um Ihre Rückenhaare zu entfernen. Nur bei den Haaren, die sich gerade in der Wachstumsphase befinden, lassen sich die Haarwurzel veröden.

Would you like to arrange a free, no-obligation consultation?

You can reach us at +352 26440749 or send us an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We look forward to hearing from you.

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